Carey International University of Theology (CIUT) began in 1997 through an invitation from Romania to train spiritual leaders. Since then, Carey has rapidly expanded globally in response to the desperate need for solid Biblical training.
We are a cutting edge ministry, not content to work in places where theological resources are readily available. Instead, we advance by faith into sometimes difficult countries such as Nepal, Mongolia, Cuba and Egypt, spreading reformed truth in areas without established theological training centers. Our passion is to encourage, equip and empower spiritual leaders who influence hundreds of churches and many thousands of people. Soli Deo Gloria.
Opportunities to bring theological education to new areas are continually knocking on the Carey door. We hope by God's grace to see theological schools planted in many other needy areas of the world in the years ahead.
Carey International University of Theology – Philosophy of Education
(Our Seven Principles)
Carey International University of Theology seeks to train leaders, who desire to shape their own local churches and influence the nations for the glory of God and the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. We employ a top-down approach, serving national church networks through modular programs, distant education, and conferencing. We endeavor to find the most qualified teachers, with proven academic excellence and years of pastoral experience, to train national pastors and leaders.
1. Theology → Doxology
All teaching must be exegetically based on Scripture with the goal of bringing glory to God.
2. Christ-Centered
All teaching must be Christ-centered, recognizing that all Scripture points to Jesus Christ
3. Authority Base – Sola Scriptura (Rule/conduct)
The basis for all doctrine, conduct, and practice is the inerrant and infallible Word of God.
4. Our Methodology: Exegesis→ Doctrine→ Historical Theology→ Pastoral Application
- Exegesis– Authentic biblical teaching begins with serious exegesis of key passages in both the Old and New Testaments. Most important is what the biblical text actually says, rather than what others might think it says. This is foundational in the pursuit of theological truth.
- Doctrine– The teachings gleaned from the process of biblical exegesis are then systematized into a clear doctrinal format so that the biblical threads that span the entire Bible—from Genesis to Revelation—can be seen.
- Historical Theology– Beneficial to the understanding of biblical doctrines is tracing their development and application over the course of the centuries. One can see which of the elemental doctrines of the Scripture have always been believed, everywhere, and by all, and how they were similarly or variously applied throughout the long history of the Church.
- Pastoral Application– God’s truth is living, relevant, and applicable to mankind today. CIUT encourages its students to boldly and faithfully apply the efficacious and transformative truth of Scripture to their personal lives and ministries, while trusting God’s Spirit to bring the increase.
5. Teaching: Interactive, with small group dynamics (BTS/MTS)
All teaching is to be instructive, interactive, and made applicable in small group settings.
6. Aim – Building minds, NOT filling minds
Teaching is not a matter of filling a student’s mind with information, but rather the building and developing of his or her mind for the furtherance of the Kingdom.
7. End Result: Expository Preachers
The end result of all teaching is the training of expository preachers, who can accurately teach the truths of Scripture, build up their local churches, and shape the nations.